Roševa ulica 3, Žalec
English, below
Naročeno blago vam bomo dostavili v roku 1 – 2 delovnih dni. Večja naročila (15 ali več kosov/izdelkov) vam bomo dostavili v roku 2 – 4 delovnih dni. Dostava po Sloveniji je brezplačna za nakupe nad 36 eur.
Način in naslov dostave sta določena v naročilu. Dostavljavec lahko s podpisom zahteva potrditev sprejema blaga. Če v času uradnih ur dostave ne boste prisotni na naslovu za dostavo blaga, nam sporočite drug naslov za dostavo (npr. naslov, kjer ste zaposleni). Prosimo vas, da nam v obeh primerih zagotovite natančne podatke o naslovu: vključno s poštno številko (poštno ležeče ni sprejemljiv naslov za dostavo) in telefonsko številko.
Po prejemu blaga, tega nujno takoj preglejte v navzočnosti dostavljavca. Če je vsebina pošiljke poškodovana ali naročeno blago oz. del blaga manjka, nas kontaktirajte na:, s pripisom reklamacija.
Poštnina za Slovenijo je brezplačna za nakupe nad 36 eur. Poštnina za ostale države se obračuna glede na težo paketa, in sicer skladno s cenikom DPD kurirske in paketne distribucije za posamezno državo. Če pošiljka z naročenim blagom zaradi kakršnegakoli vzroka ne more biti dostavljena preko DPD distribucije, vam bo dostavljavec v vašem poštnem nabiralniku pustil obvestilo o prispeli/čakajoči pošiljki. Obvestilo vsebuje tudi informacijo o naslovu, kjer lahko prevzamete pošiljko. V primeru, da se pošiljka z blagom, ki ste ga naročili, vrne nazaj na sedež Tibere, d. o. o., vas bo na našem naslovu čakala 14 dni. V tem času vas bomo kontaktirali glede možnosti ponovnega prevzema. Če v teh 14 dneh z vami ne uspemo vzpostaviti kontakta glede možnosti ponovne dostave, pošiljko/paket razpakiramo in vrnemo med zalogo.
Payment of the price of an order must be received by us and cleared before despatch of your Goods. We accept pay pal and credit cards like MasterCard, Visa, Amex through pay pal. We accept also direct bank transfer. All transactions are in EU euros. If paying by credit card, please advise us of the billing address your provider holds on file. You confirm that the credit card that is being used is yours. We cannot be liable for any unauthorised transactions nor can we be held liable for any denied payments which are a result of the information provided by you. Payment of goods indicate the number of orders for payment of goods in our bank account. We ask you to inform us at:, due to rapid dispatch of ordered goods.
We value your custom and only take payment when your order is ready for dispatch. Our card provider will ringfence the full order amount when the order is placed. All credit cardholders are subject to validation checks and authorisation by the card issuer. If the issuer of your payment card refuses to, or subsequently refuses to, or does not, for any reason, authorise payment to us, we will contact the cardholder to advise. However, we shall not be responsible for any costs or inconvenience caused by a subsequent delay, denial or payment or subsequent non-delivery of any Goods on the basis of the above.
Please leave 1-2 working days for your order to arrive after dispatch. For larger orders containing 15 items or more, please allow 1-2 working days extra. The method and address for delivery shall be as specified in your order. Parcels may require a signature on delivery. If you will not be at your home address during normal office hours, you may wish to give us an alternative delivery address, such as a work address. Please ensure we have the full address including your full postal code (PO Box addresses are not acceptable for delivery) and a contact telephone number.
Upon receipt of the Goods you must inspect the Goods. Upon delivery of the Goods to you, we will also provide you with sufficient details to enable you to:
- exercise your right of cancellation; and
- address any intended cancellation or complaint to the correct place of business.
If any item arrives damaged or defective, please contact us in accordance with the Damaged Goods policy below and we will make arrangements for a replacement to be delivered to you.
POST & PACKAGING, Unsuccessful Deliveries
Charge calculated by weight based on DPD International carrier standard charges to relevant countries.
If the parcel containing your order cannot be delivered by DPD carier for any reason, a'While you were out' card will be posted through your letterbox, containing details of where your parcel can be collected from.
If the parcel is returned to Tibera by DPD courier, it will be held here at Tibera for 14 days, pending the customer making contact regarding their order.
If no contact is made by the customer after 14 days regarding re-delivery of the order, all goods will be unpacked and returned to stock.
Roševa ulica 3, Žalec