Roševa ulica 3, Žalec
English, below
Spletna stran je last podjetja Tibera, d. o. o., Roševa ulica 3, 3310 Žalec, Slovenija (matična številka 6027431000, davčna številka 38960613), ki spletno stran tudi upravlja.
Sklicevanje na terminologijo »mi«, »nas«, »naš« v tem pravilniku se nanaša na pravni subjekt Tibera.
Pravica do vaše zasebnosti je za nas izjemno pomembna. Pravica do zasebnosti opisuje osebne podatke, ki nam jih posredujete in/ali ki jih pridobimo na naši spletni strani, kako mi te podatke uporabljamo/uporabimo in vaše pravice v zvezi s posredovanimi oz. na spletni strani pridobljenimi osebnimi podatki. Osebni podatki so bistvena informacija, s katero lahko identificiramo osebo.
S posredovanjem vaših osebnih podatkov oz. z uporabo naše spletne strani potrjujete, da se strinjate, da vaše osebne podatke uporabljamo v skladu s spodaj zapisanimi pogoji.
Pogoje o pravici do zasebnosti lahko kadarkoli spremenimo. Spremembo objavimo na spletni strani (oz. vam jo po potrebi sporočimo). Ko je sprememba izvršena, vaša nadaljnja uporaba spletne strani izraža vaše strinjanje s spremembo. Pravilnik o pravici do zasebnosti smo posodobili 1. oktobra 2016.
Način uporabe vaših osebnih podatkov
Do naše spletne strani lahko dostopate oz. po straneh brskate ne da bi razkrili osebne podatke. V primeru nakupa, ki ga opravljate prek naše spletne strani, vas bomo zaprosili oz. bomo potrebovali vaše osebne podatke za dostavo, kot so: ime, priimek oz. ime podjetja, e-naslov, naslov za dostavo, telefonska številka (sporočila hitre pošte).
Podatki o debetni ali kreditni kartici, ki jih posredujete za plačilo blaga in storitev na spletni strani gredo neposredno na PayPal oz. banko. Sami ne posedujemo nobenih informacij o računu vaše kreditne oz. debetne kartice niti nimamo dostop do njih.
Vaše podatke bomo uporabljali izključno za potrebe po skrbi za naše kupce. Osebne podatke bomo uporabljali za naslednje namene:
- natančna in učinkovita obdelava vašega naročila,
- pridobitev vašega mnenja/zadovoljstva z našimi izdelki/storitvami,
- obveščanje o novih vsebinah na naši spletni strani in oglaševanje le-teh,
- upravljanje te spletne strani,
- če bo potrebno, bomo skladno z zakonsko podlago, prisiljeni razkriti podatke vladi in/ali drugim organom pregona. Čeprav se bomo trudili v popolnosti zaščitili vaše osebne podatke, obstajajo izjeme, ko bodo vaši podatki oz. komunikacija med vami in nami posredovana omenjenim državnim inštitucijam,
- obveščanje o novih izdelkih oz. storitvah oz. posebnih ponudbah, za katere menimo, bi vas utegnile zanimati.
*Če želite preveriti vaše shranjene osebne podatke ne oklevajte, in nas kontaktirajte. Z veseljem jih bomo skladno z vašimi zahtevami posodobili, pregledali, spremenili ali izbrisali.
*Kopijo vaših osebnih podatkov, ki jih hranimo, vam lahko zagotovimo v roku 30-tih delovnih dni. Za zahtevo take kopije bomo potrebovali potrdilo o vaši identiteti, zahteva pa mora biti podana v pisni obliki.Marketing informacije
Brez vašega soglasja ne prodajamo, dajemo v najem ali kakorkoli drugače posredujemo vaše osebne podatke tretjim osebam. Občasno vas bomo kontaktirali, da vas obvestimo o naši ponudbi, izdelkih, storitvah in drugih aktivnostih, ki jih pripravljamo za vas. Kadarkoli po registraciji lahko, če želite, spremenite vaše osebne podatke skozi registracijski oz vpisni obrazec.
Shranjevanje vaših osebnih podatkov
Zavezujemo se k zaščiti osebnih podatkov skladno z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot), s priporočili GZS. Vaše osebne podatke bomo hranili tako dolgo, dokler sodelujemo. Ko bomo s sodelovanjem končali, bomo podatke obdržali v skladu s Pravilnikom oz. tako dolgo, kolikor dolgo smo jih dolžni hraniti, nato jih bomo uničili oz. bodo izbrisani.
Sprejeli smo ukrepe, s katerimi zagotavljamo varnost in zasebnost našega sistema kot tudi osebnih in drugih podatkov naročnikov. Na naši spletni strani uporabljamo varen plačilni sistem ponudnika PayPal. Ko se odločite za plačevanje preko spleta, podatki vaše plačilne kartice niso dostopni osebju Tibere. Podatki o vaši plačilni kartici in podatki o naslovu dostave so varnostno preverjeni, prav tako jih preveri izdajatelj vaše plačilne kartice. Ne odgovarjamo za nedovoljena, napačna ali zavrnjena plačila. Če imate kakršnakoli vprašanja glede varnosti plačila, nas prosimo kontaktirajte na: V vaš brskalnik boste sprejeli sporočilo o avtorizaciji plačila, mi pa bomo prejeli potrditev plačila s strani paypala.
Dostop do vaših osebnih podatkov
Imate pravico do vpogleda kopij podatkov, ki jih hranimo o vas. Za vpogled v podatke lahko zahtevamo simbolno pristojbino, ki je namenjeno stroškom administracije. Trenutna pristojbina je 10 eur.
Posodobitev in sprememba vaših osebnih podatkov
Imate pravico zahtevati, da so informacije, ki jih hranimo o vas, posodobljene/spremenjene, in sicer tako da spremenite vaše profilne nastavitve oz. nas o spremembah obvestite. Spodbujamo vas k spremembi osebnih podatkov, v kolikor do spremembe pride.
Zaprtje računa/ Izbris vaših osebnih podatkov
Pravico imate (vi, starši ali osebni skrbniki) zahtevati, da zapremo vaš račun oz. in/ali izbrišemo vaše osebne podatke iz naše baze podatkov
Pravilnik o spletnih piškotkih
Politika piškotkov velja za ( "stran"). Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke. Piškotek je majhna datoteka, ki vsebuje kodo identitete. Z vašim soglasjem računalnik sprejema piškot in ga shrani. Piškotki se uporabljajo za različne namene, vključno z zagotavljanjem poosebljanja spletne strani. Piškotki ne škodujejo računalniku, vendar, če želite zaustaviti računalnik da sprejema piškotke, pojdite na razdelek za pomoč spletnega brskalnika (na primer Internet Explorer, Google Chrome ali Firefox), kjer boste našli informacije o tem, kako to storite. Vsi sodobni brskalniki vam omogočajo, da spremenite svoje nastavitve piškotkov. Te nastavitve običajno najdemo v "možnosti" ali v meniju »Nastavitve« brskalnika. Da bi razumeli te nastavitve, so vam lahko naslednje povezave v pomoč:
Nastavitve piškotkov v Internet Explorerju
Nastavitve piškotkov v Firefox
Ne priporočamo izključitve piškotkov ob obisku spletnega mesta, saj vam preprečujejo uporabo številnih storitev na našem spletnem mestu.
Google analitika
Google Analytics uporablja piškotke dnevnikov prometa, da pridobi informacije o uporabi, ki je narejena iz strani na stran. Uporabljamo podatke piškotkov za izdelavo poročila o uporabi spletnega mesta, ki se uporabljajo za vrednotenje in analizo. Namen je izboljšati spletno stran tako, da jo prilagodimo potrebam uporabnikov.
Poleg standardnih analitičnih parametrov, prejemamo še podatke prek storitve Google Analytics Oglaševanje Features vključno z informacijami o "Demografiji in navadami", ki nam daje večji vpogled v vrste obiskovalcev, ki obiskujejo našo spletno stran.
Kot uporabnik se lahko odločite za izpis iz postopka zbiranja podatkov preko google analyzer-ja. To storite tako, da obiščite naslednje spletno mesto:
This website, ("Site") is owned and operated by Tibera Limited, Roševa street 3, 3310 Žalec, Slovenia (company number 6027431000, VAT 38960613, Srg 2011/37390)..
References to "we", "us" and "our" in this policy are all references to Tibera Ltd.
Protecting your privacy is very important to us. This privacy policy ("Policy") describes the types of personal data you provide and/or we collect via your use of the Site, what we may do with that personal data and your rights. 'Personal data' is essentially information from which an individual person can be identified. By submitting information and/or continuing to use the Site, you signify your consent to us using your personal data in accordance with the below.
We may need to change the terms of this Policy from time to time and changes will be posted on this page (and/or where appropriate, otherwise notified to you). Your continued use of the Site will be deemed to be acceptance of amendments we make. This Policy was last updated on 1th october 2016.
How we use your personal data
You can access our Website homepage and browse this Website without disclosing your personal data.
When you shop on this Website, we will ask you to input and will collect personal Information from you such as your name, e-mail address, billing address, delivery address, telephone number, product selections, credit card or other payment information and a password.
Your personal information will be exclusively used for individual customer care. We use your information only for the following purposes:
*If you would like to check the details we hold about you please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to review and update, amend or delete your records as necessary.
*We can provide you with a readable copy of the personal information which we keep about you within 30 working days, although we will require proof of your identity and any such request for personal information must be received by us in writing
Marketing Information
We do not sell, rent, or otherwise provide personally identifiable information to third-parties without your consent, except only as set out in the 'Disclosing (Sharing) Your Information' section below.
From time-to-time we would like to contact you to tell you more about the offers, services, products and other initiatives available to you.
If, at any time after registering, you would like to change your preference and opt-in or opt-out from receiving communications from us or third-parties you can do this at any time by changing your preferences on your personal profile page, which is accessible from all of our emails.
The Site uses cookies. A cookie is a small file containing an identity code. With your consent, your computer accepts the cookie and stores it. When you next visit the Site, the code is retrieved, allowing an individual visitor or computer to be recognised.
We are not responsible or liable for the content, privacy policies or services offered by websites other than the Site, including those which link from the Site. We encourage you to read and familiarise yourself with the privacy policies, terms and conditions and/or other notices on other websites you visit.
Storing and retaining your personal data
We are committed to protecting the security of your personal data by Slovenian law protection of personal data. We will keep the personal data you have provided for as long as we have a relationship with you; once that relationship has ended we will retain it in accordance with this Policy only for as long as we reasonably require and it will then be deleted and destroyed.
We have taken steps to ensure the security and privacy of our systems and our user’s data and personal information. Our Website uses a secure payment system,which offers all of the security measures you would expect as dealing with a major bank. At checkout you are transferred via a secure server to the payment gateway server, a 128bit SSL encrypted secure page where you complete your order by providing your credit card details. Your browser encrypts the information that you type and the server decodes it. Systems which encrypt potentially sensitive information by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology provide the best possible protection on the internet. You can identify that you are on a secure site when the padlock appears at the bottom of the screen.
All card details are encrypted using 128-bit encryption; they are not held in clear text on any Website. When you choose to pay online, your card details will not be available to Tibera's staff. Your card details are input into the payment gateway secure site and we do not have access to them at any time. Your card and address details are security checked and verified with the relevant card issuer and your payment is pre-authorised. You will receive a message in your internet browser window to tell you that payment has been authorised, and we will receive confirmation from the payment provider.
We are not liable for any unauthorised, erroneous or denied payments.
If you have any security concerns or questions please contact us at
Access Your Personal Information:
You have the right to see a copy of the information that we hold about you. We may charge a small fee towards the cost of administering any request you make. The current fee is Eur10.00.
Update and Amend Your Personal Information:
You have the right to ask that the information we hold about you is corrected by updating/changing your profile preferences or by contacting us as above. We encourage you to update your personal information promptly if it changes.
Close Your Account/Delete Your Personal Information:
You (and any parent/guardian of a minor) have the right to request that we close your account and/or delete your personal information from our database. We will make all reasonable efforts to comply with this request. However, it may not be possible to delete an entry without some delay and without retaining some residual personal information because of backups and records of deletions (including to ensure we no-longer communicate with you) or because we are required to retain personal information for other lawful requirements.
Cookies Policy
This Cookies Policy applies to ("Site").
The Site uses cookies. A cookie is a small file containing an identity code. With your consent, your computer accepts the cookie and stores it. When you next visit the Site, the code is retrieved, allowing an individual visitor or computer to be recognised.
Cookies are used for a variety of purposes, including providing personalised web pages and recognising your choice of language. Cookies do not cause harm to your computer, but, if you wish to stop your computer accepting cookies, go to the help section of your internet browser (for example, Internet Explorer, google crome or Firefox) where you will find information on how to do this.
All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser. To understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, otherwise you should use the 'Help' option in your browser for more details.
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
We do not recommend turning cookies off when visiting the Site, as this will prevent you from using many of the services on the Site.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics uses traffic log cookies to gain information about the use that is made of pages on the Site. We use the information from these cookies to generate reports on the usage of the Site which are used for evaluation and analysis. The purpose is to improve the Site by tailoring it to the needs of users. In addition to standard analytics parameters, we receive data via Google Analytics Advertising Features including information about 'Demographics and Interest Reporting' which gives us greater insight into the types of visitors we receive. In all cases, no data which is itself specific to any identifiable user is retained.
As a user you can opt out of this process of collecting traffic log data. To do so please visit the following site which provides a browser add-on that enables a user to opt out -
Roševa ulica 3, Žalec